My daughter has been such a gift to me and I couldn't be more thankful. When I say gift I really mean it, she was born just a couple weeks after I lost my grandmother so I feel like my gramma sent this wonderful girl to me to help try and fill a void in my heart after she left this world. And my heart has been overflowing ever since. Before Grace came into this world she was already giving me a run for my money! At the later stages of my pregnancy it became apparent that I had gestational diabetes. And via ultra sounds she seems to be growing very well. In the last month she was to big to tell how big she actually was anymore LOL! I was scheduled for a c section on a Monday morning. The Friday before that Grace decided she was not waiting those couple days and I was in labor. We went to the hospital about 6 and after all the prepping I was in the O.R. just after midnight. My hubby, her dad was with me and sat right by my head hold the puke bucket... poor guy lol. After what seemed like forever the Dr announces its a girl (which we already knew) and they cleaned her up and bundle her up and brought her to me. I couldn't hold her yet because I was still strapped down to the table but daddy held her and put her to my face so I could kiss her. she was a big baby almost 13 pounds!! One of the Drs even said "hurry up and weigh her, I gotta see this" and another Dr said " she was born with a spoon in her mouth". The nurses and every other person in the hospital couldn't get over her. She was so adorable. Came out bright eyed and a head full of black hair. She was taken to the nursery and I was taken to recover in my room. They had to run some extra test beyond the normal ones. She had apparently had a bowl movement while she was still in me, which can be dangerous if she ingested any of it. She was fine perfectly healthy. My mom and hubby left after we were settled in for what was left of the night. The next couple days we spent in the hospital and had visitors from family and hospital staff that had to come see this big baby they had heard all about.
Big brother came up and he was shy as usual and I dont think he knew what to think of her. Daddys friend Eric drove us home from the hospital. She was a good baby, very rarely got sick, and the 'terriable twos' wasnt terrible at all. She developed fast, never liked baby food, she wanted the real thing! She gave up the bottle and started walking before she turned a year old. One thing that stuck with her for a looooong time was her binky. I gave her one right away when she was born because she was sucking on her hands and I didnt want her to become a thumb sucker thinking it would be easier to break her of the binky then the thumb. Well she was really attached to that binky, I should have bought stock in binkys we went through so many. We always had to have a few back ups, god forbid we loose one! The binky lasted till she was almost 7! Yeah it got to the point were I would tell her 'if you want it you keep track of it' and she would too! She always made sure I had one in my purse when we went somewhere and even started to get embarrassed by it and would only have it when no one was around. Then one day after me suggesting for at least a year, she just decided she was done with it. So I put the last one in my jewelery box and there is were it still sits.
Grace is going to be 13 years old at the end of this month. And it seems like yesterday that she was born. I cant believe how time flys! She is still a good kid! She has an old soul. She gets along great with adults and is very mature for her age, she always has been. But she is not mature in a bad way like some of these 13 year olds are today out there. She is not 'fast'. She is not trying to grow up and act like an idiot and boy crazy and make up crazy and party crazy, ugh I dont know what I would do if she acted like a typical teenager. She has a very good head on her shoulders and I am so proud of the lil lady she is becoming.
Grace is a clothes and shoes alcoholic. She loves the mall and shopping! She has a great sense of style. Some styles dad doesnt like lol but she doesnt try to get away with anything over the top, and is respectful of his wishes. Grace is a daddys girl, she always has been.
I dont mind at all. I am happy they have the bond they do. Her and I also have a great bond, I love her dearly but we do but heads sometimes. Sometimes I wish she would just crawl up in my lap twirl my hair, cuddle and fall asleep like when she was little. I will always hold on to and cherish the memories of her like that. I look forward to the great memories that will come!
1 comment:
Much love to our Gracie!!
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