Monday, August 31, 2009

31 days of Halooween.....

Need I really say anything more?? Well I will anyways. Halloween is my absolute favorite time of year! And I have already mentioned that I plan on blogging about it the whole month of October. And you know that great minds think alike and one of my Ya ya's is hosting a blog party for the month of October here is her button to her blog(she is awesome I love her)

So everyone join us for the spookiness fun!!!! Happy Haunting!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just for laughs

What better way to end the week or start it how ever you look at it LOL

Bloopers from The Secret

Friday, August 28, 2009

James Arthur Ray

Its Friday so lets get paid! Here is James Arthur Ray on Money!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Todays teachers talks in depth about Vision Boards. I LOVE visoin Boards!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bob Proctor

Here is the very first teacher you see when you watch The Secret.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Joe Vitale

Todays fetured teacher from The Secret is Joe Vitale, I like this guy alot. This only a 2 minute phone interview with him I found but some very important tips to useing The Law of Attraction.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Secret Deleted Scenes

This is a feture of one of the teachers but a cool video I found of deleted scenes.
i figure its a good way to start off the week!

Fall is coming

I know we are going to get a few hot days still as its only the end of August, but the last few days and the crisp air have made me think of fall and Halloween and all that good stuff that comes with my favorite time of year!! Its usually when I am at my best because it makes me just feel so good and have tons and tons of Happy Thoughts!! I have even started planning a Halloween Party for the kiddies!! Sorry summer lovers I am not sad to see it end!

p.s. Blog things to look forward too..... I am going to do a 31 days of Halloween starting Oct. 1st!! I am so excited about this, every year I do it but this will be my first year blogging about it!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mike Dooley

This upcoming week I am featuring some videos of the teachers from The Secret!!!

I have mentioned Mike Dooley before he is one of my very favorite teachers of The Secret, I dont know if its the way he gets his message across or what but never the less here is a video of him speaking at a Toast Masters meeting. (Find out what Toast Masters is here ~> )
He has a great message and the video is only about 7 minutes but very powerful, ENJOY!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Climb

My daughter was a huge Hanna Montanna Fan, she kinda faded out of it but still has some interest. Miley Cyrus whom plays hanna came out with this song a few months back and I absolutly love it it has a great message.

I am Back

I feel like I have strayed away. Not so much from using the law of attraction; as you cant really get away from it, it is always in play, but from practicing what I preach, I guess. I have found myself in a slump and I am so over it LOL. It took me a miute to realize it. Then I found myself laying in bed worried and complaining to myself about things in general. I stopped and thought "self STOP! This is exactly what you should not be doing"! Yes, I often have conversations with myself, call me crazy I dont care its therapeutic. Anyhow my cousins man is in jail over some minor stuff but its one of those situations where he has more time then money and has to wait it out. In his letters to her he sounded kinda down and out and I thought well let me tell him about The Secret and maybe even if he takes just a lil bit from it, it will lift his spirits and help him to pass his time in there. Well it ended up to be a 7 page letter. I dont even know if he wanted the knowledge at the time but I gave it to him anyways LOL. I got a letter back from him saying how "deep" it was and thanking me over and over. In light of all this, I have come to realize; that if I am not talking about it I dont feel like I am using it to the best of my ability and maybe not getting as much out of it as I can. I think that I am 'supposed' to spread the word?? I was actually thinking of teaching a class about using the law of attraction at ConVocation which is coming up in February, but I am not the greatest public speaker and I just am not that confident in teaching about The Secret. I also dont want to cross any copyrighted laws and all that stuff either. I would just be referencing The Secret and mostly speaking of my own and others experiences, its a big decision so I really have to think about it. Maybe I will hold a few small workshops with my group Pagan Center this year and be ready for next years Convocation? Anyways my point is that the slump was my own fault I attracted and allowed it into my life just like we do everything. I have moved on and over it everything is going to be ok. That is my motto for the weekend. I will not stray from my blog anymore even if it helps 1 person out of a gazillion then it is worth it. Spreading the word and talking about positivity can only bring more of the same it feels good. So I am here to stay peoples you are not getting rid of me LOL