Monday, July 20, 2009


Sorry it has been so quite around here lately, I was on vacation and then just kinda in a blah mood and havent been very inspired to blog about much really. I think though in order to be inspired you need to be inspiring too, And other then talking about the law of attraction I am not sure how to be inspiring. I have a lot of hang ups and issues my life is far from perfect (whos is) but I really try not to focus on those things and rather focus on the things that I can do to fix the hang ups and imperfections. And its not always that easy but try try try and eventually its bound to go your way. I think lately I have lost hold of some of the things that The Secret has taught me. Maybe I need to go back and read some of my own post LOL. Gratitude usually comes easy for me, I am a very thankful person and know how blessed I am for the people and the things in my life. But the visioning and feeling what I want has been hard for me lately I realize I have total control of it and have the ability to regain it and I know that I will. I have my daily notes from the universe still to help, that I love so much - Thanks to Mike Dooley! My ya ya has an awesome movie projector that almost is like haveing our own personal drive in so maybe I can work something out with her an have another screening of THE SECRET sometime early fall. I like to watch it every now and everytime I learn something new or something else sticks with me that I might not have noticed before. Well I will be back with more ramblings I am sure so check back with me soon. Hugs and Kisses.

And in the immortal words of Albus Dumbledore
" It is only the darkest of times when one forgets to turn on the lights"

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